Fashion Jewelry Lifestyle

Understanding Ring Sizes and How They Can Change

Rings are more than just pretty jewelry; they carry deep meanings. Wedding and engagement rings symbolize love and commitment, while fashion rings express your unique style. It’s important for rings to fit well, but sometimes, your ring size can change due to various reasons like weight fluctuations, lifestyle changes, or even the weather. In this article, we’ll explore why ring sizes change and what you can do about it.

Getting to Know Ring Sizes

Ring size is all about how big or small the ring is, and it can vary for each finger. Most people wear rings on their ring finger, which is the fourth finger on your left hand. However, ring styles are all about personal choice, and you can wear them on any finger you like.

Usually, the pointer finger on your dominant hand is a bit bigger, so the ring size for that finger might be larger. It’s pretty common for there to be size differences between your fingers, even on the same hand. To find out your ring size, you can check out our ring size guide.

Why Ring Sizes Change

There are a bunch of reasons why your ring size might change. Some changes are temporary and can be fixed easily, while others might be permanent and require a jeweler’s help.

Temporary Changes:  Firstly, there are Temporary Changes. These can occur due to short-term factors such as weather fluctuations, hormonal shifts, or even pregnancy. Additionally, consuming salty foods, experiencing weight variations, retaining fluids, the specific time of day, reactions to certain medications, or being at a different altitude can also play a role. Consequently, these factors might cause your ring to feel slightly tighter or looser. However, these changes typically revert to normal after some time. Notably, changes related to pregnancy might require a longer duration to normalize

Permanent Changes: On the other hand, we have Permanent Changes. Unlike temporary ones, these alterations persist over time. They can arise from factors like significant weight fluctuations, the natural process of aging, certain medical conditions, or the effects of pregnancy and childbirth. It’s essential to remember that everyone’s experience is unique, so what you undergo might differ from others.

What to Do About Ring Size Changes

Temporary Changes: 

If your ring size has temporarily changed, the best thing to do is wait for it to go back to normal. If your ring is too tight, you might want to leave it off or wear it on a necklace until it fits again. If it’s too loose, you could use a plastic adjuster or wear a smaller ring with it to keep it in place. It’s not a good idea to permanently resize your ring during pregnancy since your ring size might change again after giving birth.

Permanent Changes: 

If your ring size has permanently changed, a jeweler can help adjust your ring to fit better. They can make the ring bigger or smaller, depending on what you need.

How to Know if Your Ring Doesn’t Fit

If your ring is too small, it might leave marks on your finger, feel too tight, or make it hard to get over your knuckle. If it’s too big, it might spin around your finger or feel like it’s going to fall off. Weather, altitude, and lifestyle changes can all make a ring feel looser. If you’re not sure what to do, talking to a jeweler can help.

Finding the Right Fit

Your ring should be snug but not too tight, and it should be able to slide over your knuckle without too much trouble. If it leaves marks on your finger, it might be a bit too tight. Our jewelers can help you find the perfect fit for your favorite rings.

Taking Care of Your Rings

Rings, like any other piece of jewelry, require proper care to maintain their beauty and integrity. Here are some tips on how to take care of your rings:

  1. Clean Regularly: Dirt and oils can accumulate on your rings, especially if you wear them daily. Make sure to clean them regularly with a soft brush and mild soap. Avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage the metal and stones.
  2. Store Properly: When you’re not wearing your rings, store them in a soft pouch or a jewelry box with separate compartments. This prevents them from scratching against each other or other objects.
  3. Take Them Off: Remember to take off your rings when doing activities that could damage them, such as gardening, cleaning, or exercising.
  4. Check for Wear and Tear: Regularly check your rings for any signs of wear and tear. Look for loose stones or any damage to the metal. If you notice any issues, take them to a jeweler for repair.

Choosing the Right Ring for Your Style

Rings come in various styles, and choosing the right one can enhance your overall look. Here are some tips on how to choose a ring that suits your style:

  1. Consider Your Lifestyle: Think about your daily activities and choose a ring that suits your lifestyle. If you have a hands-on job or an active lifestyle, opt for a ring with a lower profile and rounded edges.
  2. Think About Your Personal Style: Your ring should reflect your personal style. If you prefer a minimalist look, go for a simple band. If you like making a statement, choose a ring with a large stone or intricate design.
  3. Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to mix and match different rings. You can wear rings of different metals, styles, and stones together to create a unique look.
  4. Consider the Occasion: Think about the occasion when choosing a ring. A delicate band might be more appropriate for formal events, while a bold ring can be a great choice for a night out.


Understanding your ring size and how it can change is crucial for ensuring a comfortable fit. Whether your ring size changes temporarily or permanently, there are solutions available to help you find the perfect fit. Remember to take care of your rings and choose styles that reflect your personal taste. With the right knowledge and care, your rings can be a cherished part of your jewelry collection for years to come.


  1. “How To Measure Ring Size: Free Ring Size Chart | Blue Nile.” Blue Nile.
  2. “How to Measure Ring Size: A Comprehensive Guide – Clean Origin Blog.” Clean Origin.
  3. “How to Measure Ring Size: A Simple Guide | TIME Stamped.” TIME.
  4. “How Do Ring Sizes Work: How to Measure Ring Size At Home – Gem Breakfast.” Gem Breakfast.