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Just Got Engaged? The 5 Things You Need to Do First

Getting engaged is a hugely important time in our lives. It signifies the beginning of our commitment to someone we love, with the end goal being to marry them and live life together in happiness. Once you’re engaged, it’s essential to stay focused on what’s important, even though you’ve just taken a big step forward with your partner.

This article will cover 5 key actions you need to take as soon as you can after you’re engaged. That way, you’ll know where your priorities need to be.

1. Let Your Family Know

Before anyone else knows about your engagement, your family should. They’re your nearest and dearest, so it pays to spread the good news to them first. If you’re in different countries, that may mean a phone call or a video chat, but if you give them the news somehow, that’s what counts. Once you’ve told them, you can be happy knowing that they’re happy for you. 

2. Let Everyone Else Know

Once your family is informed, it’s time to tell as many other people as possible that you’ve got engaged. That means getting on the phone, emailing, and even writing letters. It also means posting on social media and updating your profiles. Making the news public is one of the most rewarding aspects of getting engaged. 

3. Buy A Book To Plan Your Wedding

There are many wedding planners, and you’re now the target market for those books. Even though you might think it’s a little too soon to be thinking about your wedding, it’s still the end goal. The sooner you prepare, the more smoothly the event will go. It’s worth getting your partner one too, so they can plan the parts of the wedding that are personal to them. But you can also do it on a spreadsheet or through an online planner. 

4. Start Budgeting

Now that you and your partner are on the road to marriage, you’ll need to be able to afford your dream wedding. This means saving up for it months or even years in advance. After all, it’s a special occasion that could only occur once in your life, and some people never experience it. You can use your wedding planner to help keep track of the mounting costs and set saving goals each month.

5. Enjoy Your Engagement

Once you’ve taken all the previous steps, the most important one that remains is to enjoy the moment! Despite the speed at which time will pass, and the number of tasks you need to complete, getting engaged to your partner will probably be a one-off. That means you’ll want to enjoy every second of it. Even if you spend months engaged to your partner before marrying them, once those months are gone, they’re gone. 

Knowing What To Do Next

Now that you’re engaged and you’ve made some progress towards marriage, and towards enjoying the engagement, you’ll be much more relaxed than you might have been before. That makes everything that follows a little bit easier.