
Which Is The Clear Winner – Amora Gem Vs. Diamond?

Amora Gem is a brilliant gemstone known for its unique and extraordinary feel and appearance. It is one of the most prized gemstone available on earth because of its extremely rare nature and availability. Amora gem engagement rings are more than just valuable items today, because you are indeed lucky if you are in a position to purchase this precious gemstone. Debates on amora gem vs. diamond has been raging with amora emerging as a clear winner compared to the value of diamonds. For your wedding, there is no way you can make your partner feel more special other than gifting an amora gem engagement ring.

Amora gem Vs. Diamond

Lustre: Amora gem is known to be more lustrous than diamonds. The refractive index property in Amora is higher than a diamond, and therefore, if you really want to bring that extra shine and sparkle to your wedding, an amora gem engagement ring is the perfect choice for your bride-to-be.
Toughness: Without doubt, amora gem is a tougher gemstone than a diamond. Amora is more ductile than diamonds, which basically means that the chances of amora gem getting chipped or even slightly damaged is extremely less than what could occur with a diamond.
Brilliance: Amora clearly surpasses the presence of a diamond in terms of brilliance and quality. Amora gems are renowned to contain an unmatched level of fire and supremacy as compared to what diamonds can offer. This is plainly due to the higher refractive index ratio (Amora gem vs. Diamond: 2.66 vs. 2.417)
Beauty: Lustre, toughness, fire and brilliance together combine to give amora gems an unparalleled beauty and quality. Undeniably, this gemstone makes the perfect choice for soon-to-wed couples looking to bring that unique value to their wedding through a well-crafted amora gem engagement ring.

How to differentiate amora gems from diamonds?

With the finest and superior qualities, amora gems are worth looking out for and are considered to be the most ultimate gems available in the market today.
Analysis: The performance of amora gems is unmatched, and to determine this, you have to properly analyze the properties to determine the exact brilliance of this natural stone. Analyze an amora in different lightings and do the same with diamonds and you will find out exactly where the difference lies.
Structural examination: You need to closely examine the structure and appearance when there is an amora and a diamond placed right in front of you. Structure-wise, both the stones have very subtle differences, which are not easily identifiable by the human eye. Observe the stones in different lighting setups and you will notice that amora is not exactly round as a diamond, and that amora gems have better effects under diverse lights that show the brilliance and intricacy of amora gems vs. diamonds.

Amora Gem Engagement Ring

Hearts and Arrows: Amora gems are known to be cut to the highest hearts and arrows standards. The stone is symmetrical in nature, due to which it is a perfect and true example of H&A.
Price: Amora gems don’t cost more than any piece of diamond or gemstone in existence today. They are very affordable and rare. These precious gems are a great choice for its beauty and price.
Now that you know the performance and brilliance of amora gem vs. diamond analysis, it is time to go ahead and purchase a high-quality amora gem engagement ring for your special partner. If you want your wedding to be truly a one-of-a-kind experience for your fiancée and you, then without any second thought, amora gem is definite the key to making that happen.